Zaměřujeme mosty, silnice a železnice, které lidi spojují. Díky našim mapám se nikdo neztratí v prostoru. Naše projekty poskytují lidem bezpečný domov dle jejich představ.
Tím, co děláme, dokazujeme, že naše práce má rozhodně smysl.
The company’s history dates back to the construction of the Temelín nuclear power plant in the 1980s. Today, we are one of the largest Czech surveying and land register companies. Our portfolio of services includes all activities, from land register work up to specialized high-precision metrological measurements accurate to a hundredth of a millimetre.
The company employs more than 105 specialists in geodesy, geographic information systems, civil engineering design, optomechanics, etc. The company is currently also an authorized dealer and service centre for Swiss Leica Geosystems AG instruments. This partnership means the company is technologically equipped at the highest level and can offer virtually any kind of design work, including the most demanding projects in terms of personnel and technology. In recent years, GEFOS has successfully engaged in interesting foreign projects around the world for Czech clients and foreign partners.
GEFOS a.s. carries third-party damage liability insurance with Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s. covering up to EUR 590,000 to guarantee its work.
The GEFOS Group is led by the GEFOS a.s. Board of Directors. The parent company GEFOS a.s. has into four organizational divisions, three of which specialized in measuring and design services (Bohemia, Moravia, Design) and one which is purely sales (Leica geosystems AG sales office). The divisions are managed by the division heads. The company has permanent branches in Prague, Ostrava, Pardubice, Brno and Zlín, but operates worldwide. The GEFOS Group also includes the subsidiary company GEFOS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o.
Company structure:
Board of Directors:
GEFOS a.s. has introduced and regularly maintains ISO quality assurance systems to guarantee the quality of its services.
Other quality control systems: